
Although the Buddhist Religion does not have a set version of The Ten Commandments, they do have their own written ethics. These are seen in The 5 Precepts. The 5 Precepts are:

1. To undertake the training to avoid taking the life of beings.
This means that all humans have the right to live. This is the same as the sixth Christian Commandment.
2. To undertake the training to avoid taking things not given.
This is going further than just stealing. It also refers to only taking things if one is sure that it is meant for them. This relates to the eighth and tenth Christian Commandments.
3. To undertake the training to avoid sensual misconduct.
This refers to any form of misconducted pleasure, not just sexual misconduct. Relates to the seventh Christian Commandment.
4. To undertake the training to refrain from false speech.
This refers to not only lying, but also refraining from slander. Relates to the ninth Christian Commandment.
5. To undertake the training to abstain from substances which cause intoxication and heedlessness.
This means not drinking alcohol or taking drugs. Nothing in the Christian Commandments refers to not taking such substances.